🌟 Keep Your HVAC System Running Smoothly Between Maintenance Visits! 🌬️

Texas Lone Star AC & Heating LLC

20 E Elizabeth St STE A & B, Brownsville, TX 78520



As we navigate through the ever-changing Texas weather, keeping our HVAC systems in tip-top shape is crucial. While our expert team at Texas Lone Star AC & Heating LLC is always here for your maintenance needs, there are a few simple steps you can take to ensure your system runs smoothly between our visits. Let's dive in!

🔹 Regular Filter Changes: A clean filter is essential for efficient airflow. 
Checking your filter every month and replacing it at least every 3 months is a small step that can make a big difference! A clogged or dirty filter not only hinders airflow but also puts extra strain on your HVAC system, leading to potential breakdowns and decreased efficiency.

🔹 Keep Your Vents Open and Clear: 
Ensure that all your vents are open and free of obstructions like furniture or curtains. This helps in maintaining consistent airflow and temperature throughout your home. Blocked vents can cause your system to work harder than necessary, increasing energy costs and reducing overall system lifespan.

🔹 Thermostat Check: 
Sometimes, the simplest things can cause the biggest issues. Regularly check your thermostat to ensure it's working correctly and efficiently managing your home's temperature. A malfunctioning thermostat can lead to uneven heating or cooling, causing discomfort and unnecessary energy usage.

🔹 Listen for Unusual Noises: 
If your system starts making strange sounds, it might be signaling a problem. Note these sounds and let us know – we're here to help diagnose and fix any issues. These noises could indicate anything from a loose part to a more serious mechanical issue.

🔹 Annual Professional Maintenance: 
While these tips are great for day-to-day upkeep, nothing beats a professional check-up. Ensure you schedule your annual maintenance with us to keep your system in its best condition. Regular professional maintenance helps to catch small issues before they become major problems, saving you time and money in the long run.

Remember, a little care goes a long way in extending the life and efficiency of your HVAC system. For any questions or to schedule your next service, feel free to reach out to us. Stay cool and comfortable, Texas!


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